Travel Victoria
  • Accommodation booking scams

    As an accommodation provider displaying your property and contact details on the internet, you may be the target of internet scams in which people attempt to defraud you by posing as legitimate travellers or travel agents.

    These scams typically originate as emails from overseas sources. Some tell-tale signs that you may be dealing with a scammer include:

    • They will not refer to your accommodation title in their correspondence – that is because it’s a generic email sent out to masses of people
    • The email originates from a free email service like or
    • They request stays that are quite lengthy – often one or two weeks
    • They are completely flexible with the booking dates
    • There is no request for pricing details or discounts – they are happy to pay whatever price you want to charge
    • They have no questions about the actual accommodation, facilities available, how to get there or attractions to see in the area
    • They claim to be from the U.K. and supply a phone number that begins with the U.K. country code of 44 followed by a string of numbers starting with 70. This is actually a personal forwarding number that can redirect the call to any phone anywhere in the world (known as a “UK global redirect”)

      The scammer may then employ a number of methods to defraud you of money.

      Money transfer scam

      You receive a booking and are asked to deduct from the supplied credit card the cost of accommodation, plus an extra amount (typically several thousand dollars) to cover other services they are booking as part of their trip. You will be given some excuse as to why they can’t pay for those additional services themselves, and you will be asked to send those extra funds to a third party via Western Union or a bank transfer.

      What may be happening is that you have been given stolen credit card details and you’re being tricked into transferring funds from it to the scammer directly (i.e. the cost of their supposed additional travel arrangements). When the real credit card owner eventually disputes the transaction and the payment is reversed, you will be required to make a full refund. This full refund includes the extra amount you charged for those additional travel arrangements, which is now in the hands of the scammer and which you have to fund out of your own pocket.

      To avoid these scams, only charge credit cards for just the services you are supplying, and never act as an intermediary by billing credit cards and transferring the funds to someone else.

      Booking cancellation scam

      You receive a booking and it is paid for using a credit card. The booking is cancelled shortly afterwards, and you are asked to refund some or all of the payment by sending the funds via a bank transfer or some other method.

      What may be happening is that you have been given stolen credit card details. However, the scammer is hoping that before you realise that, you have transferred your money into their own account.

      In cases like this, you should refund the credit card transaction back to the actual credit card that was initially used. Otherwise you will lose not only the money you billed to the credit card, but also the money you sent to the scammer.

      When accepting credit card payments, you may wish to enter the first 6 digits of the card into the Bank Identification Number database (see to check which bank issued the card and in which country. If someone portrays themselves as coming from one country and supplies credit card details issued by a bank in another country, then you should be very suspicious of their intentions.

    • Driving from Melbourne to Adelaide

      When you fly somewhere, it’s all about getting to your destination as quickly as possible. You step on a plane at one end and leave the plane at the other end. Whereas when you drive to your destination, you get to see and experience what is along the way, and maybe even take a detour or two.

      When driving between Melbourne and Adelaide, there are a quite a few route options available, however we will cover three here – the most direct, along the coast and the route up north.

      3 different driving routes from Melbourne to Adelaide.

      1. Direct route – Western Highway & Dukes Highway

      Western Highway.

      The inland route is the quickest and shortest, thus it is also used by road transport operators moving goods between Melbourne and Adelaide.

      Follow the Western Freeway out of Melbourne, and maybe get off the freeway and visit Ballarat – Victoria’s third largest city which has a rich history dating back to its prosperous days during the Gold Rush era.

      Nature lovers will want to turn off the Western Highway at Ararat and detour to Halls Gap which lies within the famous Grampians National Park. There are waterfalls to discover, challenging hiking trails, stunning mountain views, lots of native wildlife and rich Aboriginal heritage that dates back many thousands of years.

      Approximately 440 kilometres from Melbourne, the Western Highway crosses the state border into South Australia and the road becomes known as the Dukes Highway.

      Follow the Dukes Highway to Tailem Bend – an attractive road junction town which overlooks the lower reaches of the mighty Murray River.

      Follow the Princes Highway to Murray Bridge – also set on the Murray River and home to a large fleet of houseboats.

      A 75 kilometre drive along the South Eastern Freeway will then take you into Adelaide, concluding the 726 kilometre road trip.

      2. Along the coast – Great Ocean Road

      Great Ocean Road.

      Water lovers with time to spare should take the coastal route to Adelaide. It adds about 300 kilometres to the journey and significantly extra time due to some section of windy roads and passing through many coastal towns.

      Follow the Princes Freeway out of Melbourne to Victoria’s second largest city of Geelong, which overlooks Corio Bay. From there, head south to Torquay which is the official start of the internationally recognised Great Ocean Road.

      The Great Ocean Road is a spectacular coastal drive where you can enjoy panoramic coastal scenery, see stunning rock formations such as the 12 Apostles, explore lush rainforests and visit seaside communities which welcome travellers and holidaymakers.

      The Great Ocean Road ends at the city of Warrnambool. Head west along the Princes Highway to the historic fishing village of Port Fairy and onto the deep sea port of Portland which was the site of Victoria’s first permanent settlement. Leave the highway at Portland and follow Portland – Nelson Road to the town of Nelson – a small village set on the majestic Glenelg River, within a stone’s throw of the state border with South Australia.

      Follow Glenelg River Road across the border and to the large regional city of Mount Gambier. This geological hotspot is famous for its Blue Lake and stunning sinkholes. Take a 28 kilometre detour down to the coast to Port MacDonnell – once a busy shipping port, but now a quiet and charming village.

      After leaving Mount Gambier, turn off the Princes Highway at Millicent and travel along the Southern Ports Highway to explore the coastal holiday towns along South Australia’s Limestone Coast. Check out Beachport, the ever popular holiday town of Robe and also Kingston SE with its Big Lobster.

      Rejoining the Princes Highway, the coastal route traverses the Coorong National Park – internationally recognised wetlands with salty lagoons and gorgeous sandy beaches. Pass through Meningie, which is set on the shores of Lake Albert, before reaching the Murray River at Tailem Bend and completing the final leg of the journey to Adelaide.

      3. Up north – Calder Highway & Sturt Highway

      Murray River at Mildura.

      In complete contrast to the coastal route, the northern route traverses the more remote parts of Victoria and South Australia, adding around 200 kilometres to the journey.

      Follow the Calder Freeway out of Melbourne and through the Macedon Ranges to Bendigo. Like Ballarat, this city thrived during Victoria’s Gold Rush days, leaving a lasting legacy of opulence and wealth.

      Heading out of Bendigo on the Calder Highway takes you through a number of rural communities and through Victoria’s vast Mallee region which is home to huge farms that grow grain and other crops.

      The Calder Highway ends in the far north-west corner of Victoria at the city of Mildura. Set on the Murray River and one of the warmest spots in the state, Mildura is a popular holiday destination, particularly for those who enjoy water activities on the river, and it is surrounded by vast wineries and fruit farms.

      From Mildura, head west along the Sturt Highway, across the state border into South Australia, arriving at Renmark. Renmark is the gateway to South Australia’s Riverland region, with its Mediterranean climate creating a rich fruit growing area with irrigation provided by the Murray River. Visit the attractive river-front towns of Berri, Loxton and Waikerie.

      The Sturt Highway continues west and passes through the northern section of the Barossa Valley at Nuriootpa. The Barossa Valley is, of course, one of Australia’s most famous wine region where you will find the biggest names in the wine industry.

      From Nuriootpa, it is a 72 kilometre drive to Adelaide, however you may want to take the more scenic route along Barossa Valley Way through the charming grape growing towns of Tanunda and Lyndoch.

    • Plan your Aussie getaway after the coronavirus pandemic

      Australians are living through a period unknown to most – a period where things we take for granted are restricted or no longer permitted. Travel across some state borders is regulated, cafes and restaurants can no longer serve dine-in customers, many attractions are closed, events are postponed and entertainment severely limited. Our leisure activities have been heavily curtailed as part of necessary efforts to contain the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

      The traditional Easter and school holiday activities, where people get in the car for a road trip or board a plane for a distant destination, are on hold, with people told to instead stay at home this Easter.

      Like all pandemics, coronavirus will not last forever. That means lovers of travel can use this time to plan their next getaway when travel restrictions are lifted.

      With many communities across Australia having been badly affected by recent drought and bushfires, and now battling the economic shock of the coronavirus shutdown, these communities will be crying out for visitors once things get back to normal. Of course, it is not just communities that service travellers as they criss-cross the country along highways and byways that have been badly affected – also Australia’s major cities and world-class tourist attractions have been impacted.

      Support Australian tourism, so once the coronavirus restrictions are over, you can plan your next getaway within Australia rather than dashing overseas.

      There is no better way to see Australia than with a road trip.

      Travel Tracks Australia (also on Instagram @traveltracksaus) is launching their Aussie Road Trip Itineraries ebook, which is packed with 37 road trips from all over Australia. There are 5 trips in Victoria – Great Ocean Road, Great Ocean Walk, Grampians, Phillip Island and Yarra Ranges. Get inspiration to start planning your next getaway when restrictions ease up.

      The Aussie Road Trip Itineraries ebook is now completely free to readers of this blog when you enter in the discount code of TRAVELVICTORIA at the check-out. Get the ebook for free now.

      Start reading today and plan your next getaway around our great country!

    • Amanda Stichbury, Accommodation Find, Internet Find and Special Days false billing scam continues

      Amanda Stichbury final notice - Office of Fair Trading Queensland

      Many business owners, particularly those in the travel and tourism industry, will be familiar with the long running false billing scam perpetrated by Amanda Stichbury – director of the companies Special Days Pty Ltd, Accommodation Find Pty Ltd and Internet Find Pty Ltd.

      How the scam originally functioned was that business owners would receive what looked like a renewal invoice in the post or via email for advertising on websites which they never ordered. Some of those websites had similar names to official government or tourism websites, which was a source of great confusion to many receiving the bills.

      While the actual advertisements did exist on the websites stated, they were not authorised nor ordered by most of the business owners.

      In 2014, the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) in Queensland achieved successful court action against Amanda Stichbury after many years of business owners being inundated with bills for advertising they never ordered. Amanda Stichbury and her companies were fined almost $20,000 with convictions recorded. At the time, the OFT described the business activities of Amanda Stichbury as being “based almost entirely on deception” and “preying upon time-poor businesses“.

      In 2017, Amanda Stichbury was fined a further $50,000 and convicted on a total of 166 charges in relation to sending invoices for unsolicited services and for making false and misleading representations. This related to businesses receiving notices stating their existing listing on certain websites had expired and they would need to renew them. These notices implied a previous business relationship which was false.

      In 2019, the Office of Fair Trading in Queensland yet again successfully prosecuted Amanda Stichbury in the Federal Circuit Court for “breaches of the unsolicited consumer agreement provisions“. An injunction has been issued against Amanda Stichbury which permanently prevents her from directly or indirectly engaging in this conduct in the future, anywhere in Australia. Should she breach this injunction, she may be jailed.

      The acting executive director of the Office of Fair Trading in Queensland, Craig Turner, slammed the long running business practices of Amanda Stichbury, declaring that “behaviour like Ms Stichbury’s has no place in Australia.”

      Despite the recent court action, tourism businesses around Australia are still receiving emails originating from Amanda Stichbury and her companies. The latest is from Accommodation Find ( claiming that a business listing has been deactivated, thus resulting in lost bookings, and requiring it to be reactivated. This process leads to a page with typically outdated information about a business and a request to update it. It appears there is then a $99 annual fee to pay, however businesses that don’t claim their listing don’t appear to get removed. See below for an example of such an email.

      If you receive an unsolicited request to claim a listing you never ordered and then to pay for it, you can lodge an official complaint with the Office of Fair Trading in Queensland at

      False billion scams are of course not new – they have been going on for many years in Australia, costing businesses many millions of dollars. A number of perpetrators of false billing scams are so successful that court fines are simply treated by them as one of the basic costs of doing business, with revenue far exceeding any fines they may receive over time.

      A collection of some Special Days Pty Ltd, Accommodation Find Pty Ltd and Internet Find Pty Ltd websites are listed below. Businesses may receive unsolicited listing renewal requests from any of these.

      Accommodation Adelaide –
      Accommodation Airlie Beach –
      Accommodation Australia –
      Accommodation Broome –
      Accommodation Cairns –
      Accommodation Find –
      Accommodation Gold Coast –
      Accommodation in Bendigo –
      Accommodation Melbourne –
      Accommodation New Zealand –
      Accommodation NT –
      Accommodation Perth –
      Accommodation Search –
      Accommodation Sunshine Coast –
      Accommodation Sydney –
      Accommodation VIC –
      Aged Care Find –
      Attractions –
      Attractions Brisbane –
      Attractions Melbourne –
      Attractions Perth –
      Australia Private Schools –
      Brisbane Private Schools –
      Broome Tourism –
      Builder Melbourne –
      Byron Bay Accommodations –
      Caravan Park Accommodation –
      Car Rental –
      Childcare –
      Childcare Sydney –
      Click Find –
      Church Find –
      Coolangatta Guide –
      Dentist Find –
      Dentist in Melbourne –
      Education Directory –
      Education NSW –
      Education QLD –
      Education VIC –
      Education WA –
      Find Chemist –
      Golf Find –
      Great Ocean Road Tourism –
      Hairdresser Find –
      Holiday Gold Coast –
      Hotel Find –
      How Local –
      Hotel VIC –
      Lightening Ridge Tourism –
      Mackay Tourism –
      Melbourne Accountant –
      Melbourne Hairdresser –
      Melbourne Schools –
      Melbourne Tourism –
      New South Wales Tourism –
      Perth Private Schools –
      Pubs and Clubs –
      Pubs Melbourne –
      QLD Tourism –
      Redcliffe Tourism –
      Restaurant Brisbane –
      Restaurant Find –
      Restaurant Gold Coast –
      Restaurant Guide –
      Search Accommodation –
      South Australia Guide –
      Sunshine Coast Tourism –
      Sydney Private Schools –
      Sydney Tourism –
      Tourism Adelaide –
      Tourism Brisbane –
      Tourism Caloundra –
      Tourism Canberra –
      Tourism Cairns –
      Tourism Gold Coast –
      Tourism Guide –
      Tourism Listing –
      Tourism Tas –
      Tourism WA –
      Townsville Tourism –
      Travel Agents Melbourne –
      Travel Guide –
      Vet Australia –
      Vet Melbourne –
      Victoria Tourism –
      VIC Tourism –
      Whitsundays Accommodation –
      Whitsundays Tourism –


      Fake biller Amanda Stichbury issued final notice
      Queensland Office of Fair Trading

      Fake biller Amanda Stichbury allegedly fleecing businesses again
      My Business

      Companies referred to in the Queensland Office of Fair Trading court action

      Special Days Pty Ltd
      ABN – 37 086 159 211
      ACN – 086 159 211

      Accommodation Find Pty Ltd
      ABN – 18 086 159 195
      ACN – 086 159 195

      Internet Find Pty Ltd
      ABN – 68 162 430 159
      ACN – 162 430 159

      Contact phone number of these companies – 1300 656 789 and/or 1800 199 863.

    • Booking accommodation direct – is it really cheaper?

      Over the last few years, there has been a push in the Australian travel and tourism industry to encourage travellers to book their accommodation directly with the property owner or manager, rather than through an online booking agent. The advantages in doing so include:

      • Cheaper rates
      • Dealing directly with the provider makes it easier to reserve a particular room, satisfy any special requirements you may have, and handle cancellations or rescheduling directly
      • Instead of booking commissions (typically between 15 to 30 percent) being paid to overseas online travel agents, those commissions are retained by property owner, thus helping the local economy
      • Those booking direct may receive bonuses to reward them for this, such as free breakfast or free vehicle parking.

      While booking accommodation directly has many benefits, let us consider just the cost of the room and conduct a small experiment with online booking rates. Note that booking over the phone directly with a property may offer better rates, but for the purposes of this experiment, we shall limit ourselves to online booking only, either directly with the property’s own reservation system or an online travel agent like

      We shall try booking three very different holiday properties in Victoria on a weekend for two nights, from Friday 17th May to Sunday 19th May. We have chosen:

      1. A 5-star Melbourne city hotel with luxury rooms
      2. A family beach resort that offers holiday apartments
      3. A romantic mountain cottage retreat for couples

      Luxury hotel – The Langham Melbourne

      The Langham Hotel in Melbourne is one of the city’s most exclusive hotels and is consistently ranked by Tripadvisor as one of the top places to stay in the city, where opulence meets unparalleled service. It is situated in Southbank, across the Yarra River from Melbourne’s CBD.

      Choosing a superior king room for two adults, we were quoted a total of $740 ($370 per night) when using the hotel’s own reservation system on their official website. Choosing to book the same room via gave the exact same quote – $740.

      The verdict: same cost whether booking online direct or through an online travel agent.

      Online booking at The Langham Melbourne using
      Online booking at The Langham Melbourne using their own reservation service

      Family beach resort – Silverwater Resort

      One of Victoria’s most loved beach holiday destinations is Phillip Island. It is close enough to Melbourne to be within an easy drive, and far enough out of the city to feel like you are really on holiday.

      The gateway to Phillip Island is the tourist town of San Remo, which is located at the start of the bridge which goes across the water to Phillip Island. There are several cafes, restaurants and hotels in the town, and some lovely beaches in the area. However, the town is most famous for the daily pelican feeding on the main beach, near the jetty.

      One of the most family friendly places to stay at San Remo is Silverwater Resort. Spread out across this large property are 170 resort rooms and self-contained apartments. The resort’s many on-site facilities include an indoor and outdoor pool, tennis courts, jumping pillows, games room, gymnasium, extensive grounds to explore and a bar and restaurant.

      We have chosen a two bedroom apartment for a family of four – 2 adults and 2 children. Going through the reservation system on the resort’s official website, the total cost for two nights was quoted at $526. Using, this was reduced down to $518.

      Why is there an $8 difference? If you use an online booking website, they generally absorb credit card fees. However, if you book direct with Silverwater Resort, they charge you the credit card fees on top of the cost of the accommodation which is priced at the same rate at It is quite surprising that Silverwater Resort is happy to give 15 to 30% of their revenue (between $77 and $155 for this specific booking) to, yet if you bypass the booking agent and book directly with them, thus meaning the resort gets to keep the $77 to $155 booking fee, they actually penalise you for this act of generosity and make you pay an $8 credit card fee.

      The small print on the booking page explains the credit card fee if you book online directly with the property. “Payments made with with Visa or Mastercard will incur a 1.5% surcharge, and Amex will incur a 3% surcharge. This surcharge is not displayed on your reservation it is added automatically when your credit card is processed.”

      The verdict: go through for a better rate than booking directly, due to the credit card fee.

      Online booking at Sliverwater Resort using
      Online booking at Silverwater Resort using their own booking system

      Mountain retreat – Forest Edge Cottage

      For those looking for seclusion and privacy in the mountains, but not too far from Melbourne, then Mount Dandenong is a great choice. Less than an hour’s drive from the city centre, the lush Dandenong Ranges are home to a number of romantic holiday cottages and we have chosen Forest Edge Cottage which is part of the Merrow Cottages group. This private holiday rental is suitable for couples and is an excellent weekend getaway.

      The managing booking agent for this property quotes a weekend stay at $620 ($310 per night). However, the rate on is significantly more, coming in at $700 for the weekend, or $350 per night.

      The verdict: book direct with the property for a much better rate than with online booking agents.

      Onlike booking at Forest Edge Cottage using
      Online booking at Forest Edge Cottage using their direct booking manager.

      The verdict

      Whether you book online directly with the property, or whether you use a third party online travel agent booking service like, the cost may sometimes vary. This depends specifically on the accommodation property chosen. Booking directly with the property may be cheaper in some cases, but in other cases it actually may be slightly dearer.

      To encourage direct bookings, we urge all property owners to ensure those booking through their official website and booking system are offered the same or cheaper rates than they advertise through third party online travel agents.

    • Tourism regions in Victoria

      The state of Victoria is divided into 12 tourism regions which group together areas of similar geography, environment, history or culture.

      Regions of Victoria
      Victoria’s 12 tourism regions

      How are region boundaries defined?

      In general, tourism regions consist of several local government areas (also known as local councils or municipalities), with region boundaries following the lines of municipal boundaries. There are a small number of exceptions to this rule.

      • Phillip Island region. This covers only part of the Bass Coast Shire. It includes only Phillip Island and the mainland town of San Remo which is directly linked to the island by a bridge.
      • Gippsland region. This excludes the part of the Bass Coast Shire that is included in the Phillip Island tourism region.
      • Yarra Valley & Dandenong Ranges region. This includes the far southern part of the Murrindindi Shire which is closest to Melbourne, covering the areas around King Lake, Narbethong, Marysville and Buxton.
      • High Country region. This excludes the southernmost part of the Murrindindi Shire which is part of the Yarra Valley & Dandenong Ranges region.

      Tourism regions and their local councils

      Tourism regionLocal councils in this region
      1. Melbourne & SuburbsBanyule, Bayside, Boroondara, Brimbank, Casey, Greater Dandenong, Darebin, Glen Eira, Hobsons Bay, Hume, Kingston, Knox, Manningham, Maribyrnong, Maroondah, Melbourne, Melton, Monash, Moonee Valley, Moreland, Port Phillip, Stonnington, Whitehorse, Whittlesea, Wyndham, Yarra
      2. Daylesford & Macedon RangesHepburn, Macedon Ranges, Mitchell, Moorabool
      3. Geelong & The BellarineGolden Plains, Greater Geelong, Queenscliff
      4. GippslandBass Coast (part), Baw Baw, East Gippsland, Latrobe, South Gippsland, Wellington
      5. GoldfieldsBallarat, Central Goldfields, Greater Bendigo, Loddon, Mount Alexander, Pyrenees
      6. GrampiansArarat, Buloke, Hindmarsh, Horsham, Northern Grampians, Southern Grampians, West Wimmera, Yarriambiack
      7. Great Ocean RoadColac Otway, Corangamite, Glenelg, Moyne, Surf Coast, Warrnambool
      8. High CountryAlpine, Benalla, Indigo, Mansfield, Murrindindi (part), Strathbogie, Wangaratta
      9. Mornington PeninsulaFrankston, Mornington Peninsula
      10. MurrayCampaspe, Gannawarra, Greater Shepparton, Mildura, Moira, Swan Hill, Towong, Wodonga
      11. Phillip IslandBass Coast (part)
      12. Yarra Valley & Dandenong RangesCardinia, Murrindindi (part), Nillumbik, Yarra Ranges

      Tourism region anomalies

      While tourism regions are generally defined along local government boundaries, this has created some anomalies when it comes to grouping locations of similar history or culture together.

      Consider the town of Clunes. It was the site of Victoria’s first registered gold strike which triggered the famous gold rush of the 1850s and 1860s, resulting in great prosperity and attracting world-wide attention. Clunes is located in the far western corner of the Hepburn Shire, thus putting it into the Daylesford & Macedon Ranges tourism region. Surrounding Clunes on three sides is Central Goldfields Shire, Mount Alexander Shire and City of Ballarat – all of which are in the Goldfields region. It seems odd that the birthplace of gold in Victoria is excluded, by the smallest of margins, from being part of the Goldfields region which encompasses important surrounding towns and cities of the gold rush days like Ballarat, Castlemaine, Maldon, Maryborough and Bendigo.

      Clunes – the birthplace of Victoria’s gold rush, yet not in the Goldfields region.

      Another anomaly is with the north-eastern Victorian town of Rutherglen, famous for being in the heart of one of Victoria’s most important wine producing areas. It lies less than 10 kilometres from the Murray River, but because it is in the Shire of Indigo, it ends up in the High Country region. This has the effect of creating an unusual situation where the Murray region is split into two distinct parts – a large section from the state border west of Mildura to Yarrawonga and then a smaller area around the north-eastern corner of Victoria that includes Wodonga and Corryong.

      Rutherglen – just a stone’s throw from the Murray River but not in the Murray region.
    • Free listings for tourism businesses and events in Victoria

      Tourism businesses and event organisers may spend a significant amount of money and time on promotional activities, but did you know there are many high exposure opportunities on the internet where they can be promoted for free?


      There is always plenty going on in Victoria.  From community festivals to markets, concert, sports tournaments, shows and international events, there is always something happening, no matter what day of the week or time of the year it is.

      Promoting events can be a costly and time consuming exercise, but when it comes to exposure on the internet, Victoria 365 should be your first priority. This website presents a huge collection of events that are happening 365 days a year in Victoria.  All listings are free of charge and there are self-serve facilities so you can instantly register and update your listing as often as you like.  Simply go to the list your event page to get started.

      One of the exciting features of Victoria 365 is that your listing is stored in the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW).  This national database is used as a source of content by over 100 distributor websites, which means that not only is your event featured on Victoria 365, but it will also appear on other websites which publish event information without you having to do a thing.  It offers a fantastic opportunity for wide exposure on the internet for minimal effort and zero cost.

      Victoria 365

      Dog friendly restaurants and cafes

      Australians love their pets, and dogs are the most common of them all.  It is estimated that there are close to 5 million pet dogs in Australia, with around 40% of households owning a dog.

      As Australia becomes more dog-friendly, people are increasingly taking their pooches with them when they leave home, providing company and sharing a common experience.  Whether it is a coffee or meal at a cafe, a trip to the beach, or even a holiday away from home in dog-friendly accommodation, dogs are being welcomed in more and more places.

      If you operate a dining establishment in Victoria that has areas where dogs are permitted, you can list your business for free with Dogs On Holidays.  That website is a comprehensive guide to enjoying Victoria with you dog and includes listings of dog-friendly accommodation, restaurants, beaches, parks, activities and events.  While the accommodation listings require a small cost to list, all restaurant and cafe listings are completely free of charge.  It’s a great way to gain good exposure for your dog-friendly business.  Simply fill in your details on the advertising page and your listing will be published promptly.

      Dogs On Holidays

      Tourist attractions, tours, wineries, markets, restaurants and pubs

      Visitors to Victoria are spoilt for choice when it comes to finding interesting things to see, enjoying fascinating experiences and indulging in the amazing food and wine that Victoria is renowned for.

      Many businesses which cater for tourists, day-trippers or visitors are able to be listed for free with Travel Victoria.  The Travel Victoria website is a valuable resource and features many thousands of listings including tourist attractions, scenic tours, cruises, wineries, breweries, markets, restaurants, cafes, pubs, farm gates, public sporting facilities and accommodation.  All listings (except for accommodation) are free, and submissions for inclusion can be made on the advertising page.

      Travel Victoria

    • Beechworth – the place to be this Easter!

      Beechworth is quickly becoming a trending holiday destination for Victorian families. There’s little wonder why, with the town known for its picturesque views, scenic bike paths and country atmosphere.

      Located 270 kilometres or a three hour drive north-east from Melbourne’s CBD, Beechworth plays host to many fun events for the whole family during the 2018 Easter holiday period. Enjoy sun filled warm days, cooler evenings and the first peek of the autumn colours.

      If you are heading to Victoria’s high country during the 2018 Easter school holidays, make sure to check out some of the events listed below that are happening in Beechworth and nearby Yackandandah.

      High Country Hops Festival: 24 to 25 ​March

      The High Country Hops Festival is a growing event that showcases the wonderful brew ers of the North East region and its famous locally grown hops. Held at Bridge Road Brewery in Beechworth, the event promises to be fun for the whole family, with jumping castles and a petting zoo for the kids, and unique beer tastings for the adults.

      More info: Facebook event

      Hive to Home at Beechworth Honey: 24 March

      Discover the fascinating world of bees in this immersive hive-to-home experience near the historic town of Beechworth. Part of the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival, ticket holders will be invited to become a “beekeeper for the day” and explore an active beehive site, where you will get a hands-on honey extraction experience before being treated to a picnic morning tea.

      More info: purchase ​tickets here

      Yackandandah Folk Festival: 23 to 25​ March

      Get ready to listen to some international and local folk acts and join the greenest festival in Australia at the Yackandandah Folk Festival​. This festival is perfect for all ages and is sure to have the whole family up and dancing.

      More info: festival website

      From the Hive – Swarming to Yackandandah Art Exhibition: 23 March to 5th of April

      The latest exhibition at Yackandandah’s Turntable Gallery features work by artist Marjike Gilchrist. Gilchrist is known for her mixed mediums paintings, which involves using a combination of beeswax, resin and pigment.

      More info: exhibition venue – Yack Station

      Golden Horseshoes Festival: 30 March to 2 April

      The Golden Horseshoes Festival is Beechworth’s biggest event during the Easter period, and prides itself on having something for everyone including an abundance of local music performances, a fun run, markets, a gala dinner and of course an Easter egg hunt.

      More info: festival website

      Wooragee Easter Monday Market: 2 April

      The Wooragee Primary School is holding their annual Easter Monday market fundraiser with over 65 stall sites featuring local craft, cakes and trash & treasure. Open from 10am to 2pm, the market will also be hosting various activities to keep the little ones entertained.

      More info: market website

    • Trademark registration scam from WOTRA – World Organization for Trademarks

      Businesses in Australia who have registered a trademark are currently being hit by a scam that originates from a company that calls themselves WOTRA – World Organization for Trademarks.  Their website is located at

      An example of one of their letters, which strongly resembles an invoice that requires payment, is shown below.

      WOTRA - World Organization for Trademarks

      Registering a trademark is not an instant process. The registration is done through the government agency IP Australia.  After lodging an application and paying the appropriate fees, it can take up to 3 months before the trademark can be formally examined and accepted.  If accepted, it will then be advertised in the Australian Official Journal of Trade Marks. There will then be a period of 2 months during which anyone can oppose the registration. If there are no objections after 2 months, IP Australia will then shortly register the trademark for you.

      As registering a trademark is usually a very infrequent process people go through, and as trademarks are renewed every 10 years, a number of organisations have sprung up that attempt to take advantage of this and potentially defraud trademark owners of significant sums of money.

      One common type of scam occurs when an organisation contacts you before your trademark renewal is sent out to you by IP Australia, offering to conduct the very simple renewal process at cost typically many times more than the cost of doing this yourself.  An example of this is PTMO – Patent & Trademark Organisation.

      Another type scam, as perpetrated by WOTRA – World Organization for Trademarks, involves contacting owners of new trademarks during that 2 month period where people can object to your trademark, just before it is formally registered.

      How this scam works is that trademark owners are posted a letter which has this sender listed on the envelope:

      World Organization for Patents and Trademarks
      Budapest 1005

      Inside this envelope is a single page letter with the heading “Important Notification Regarding Your Trademark“.  The letter looks very official, listing the trademark owner’s name and address, a colour picture (if applicable) of the actual trademark, the correct trademark number and the correct date that the application was lodged.

      The letter strongly resembles an invoice, with a “balance due” and detailed payment instructions.  One could be forgiven for thinking this is a payment required for a trademark to be recognised world-wide, given that it is sent out by the very official sounding “World Organization for Trademarks”.

      The particular sample here has an amount due of $2,719, with a note that if it is not paid by the due date, it will be regarded as being “late”, thus a $60 late fee applies, taking the amount due to an eye-watering grand total of $2,779.

      In small print on the page is a sequence of very long sentences that includes this:

      “…the publishing of the public registration of your trademark is the basis of our offer…we offer the registration of your trademark dates in our private database…the contract is irrevocable and legally binding for one year…this private registration hasn’t any connection with the publication of official registrations, and is not a registration by a government organisation…(this) is not an invoice but a solicitation without obligation to pay…”

      So basically you are paying WOTRA – World Organization for Trademarks the very significant sum of $2,719 just to list your trademark’s registration date in their private database which has no benefit other than allowing people to see it on the website  Also worrying is the fact this so-called contract is only for one year, so if you do end up paying, you may end up being billed $2,719 every year.

      While WOTRA do say the letter is not an invoice, it does strongly resemble one. There is a “balance due” section, a “due date” listed, and a section devoted to the penalties incurred if payment is late.

      Two payment options are listed.  One is by cheque, which is to be sent to:

      WOTRA Kft.
      P.O. Box 221
      9002 Gyor 2

      Or you can pay by bank transfer:

      Beneficiary:  WOTRA Kft.
      Bank name:    NHB Bank
      IBAN:         HU55 1140 0040 0300 3292 4210 0013
      Bank address: 1118 Budapest

      If you receive a letter from WOTRA, it is strongly advised that you do not pay the $2,719 they request, as they have nothing to do with your trademark registration.  Having a listing with WOTRA does not in any way mean your trademark is registered for world-wide use.

      If you have received an unsolicited letter from WOTRA requesting payment, you are encouraged report it via the ACCC’s ScamWatch page.

      For any general questions about trademarks in Australia, refer to IP